Training for 2022 – Change to training times effective Sunday March 6th.
From Sunday the 6th March we will be bringing all classes back to the same starting time of 10am.
Over the last two years with all the changes due to COVID and resulting lockdowns we had to change & Alter the way we run our Sunday training classes.
Now that the state is re-opening and we don’t have the same restrictions as we previously had, our branch has made the decision to go back to our normal training time of 10am on a Sunday morning for all obedience classes.
New membership will be processed from 9:30am to 9:50, if you are wanting to join our club please contact us via email at prior to attending, so we can send out all appropriate paperwork in advance before attending. This will speed up your membership processing on the day.
Also please arrive early enough prior to class to sign in via the QR code (now a state government regulation, and at this stage we still need to do, but we will advise if this changes and is no longer needed) and be scanned into to your class. Please do this without your dogs as we will have more members wanting to sign in now and we do not wish to crowd the sign in area further with your GSD’s.
Also make sure you have enough time to settle/toilet your dog and say hello to friends prior to classes starting at the new time of 10am. Also if possible correct change of $3.00 for training fee.
** MEMBERS 12+ MUST BE DOUBLE VACCINATED (or provide a valid medical exemption). If not then you will be unable to train or enter the grounds. Bring proof of vaccination if it hasn’t been sighted as yet.
** Also if UNWELL please DO NOT attend training.
Also if you have not shown your vaccination certificate and this updated since your GSD’s last vaccination, could you also bring this along. You can bring a photo rather that the actual paper, so long as the photo can clearly show when last vaccinated, when next due and what the vaccination was.
Due to COVID we all must remember that things may still change and we need to be adaptable, but we are aiming for a more normal year, with hopefully less disruption to our classes.
Any queries please feel free to send us a email –