Join Us at the Geelong Branch

Information for New and Current Members


Membership of the GSDCV has lots of benefits for you and your dog.

As a member of the GSDCV, most importantly you can attend weekly branch training with your dog or puppy and share with like minded people the fun of training and enjoying socialisation with your dog.
By becoming a member of the GSDCV our various facilities are available to you. Our branches provide training by qualified instructors in many areas including:
– Puppy socialisation (from 8 weeks old)
– Obedience training – from basic control to competing in the trial ring and associated titles
– Show training
– Tracking
– And lots of fun social events

The club can provide breeding guidance by way of its breed surveyors and the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) Breed Improvement Schemes.
The Club also runs Funday competitions, breed shows, obedience trials and Social activities. For further information, contact your local branch

The GSDCV is actively involved in, fully supports and encourages at local council level the Responsible Dog ownership program.
Membership also includes you receiving 8 editions each year of the GSDCV Shepherd News that is full of interesting and informative information about the club, its members and activities within Victoria.
You also receive 4 editions of the Shepherd Quarterly Review, the national magazine of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) that reports specific information on the GSD breed within Australia.

Membership Application

If you are interested in becoming a member of the German Shepherd Club of Victoria, please go to GSDCV membership for membership information or you may complete the a Membership Application Form (link below or available at our branch).  Please bring this form with you when you attend the branch on your first day where you will be advised of the fees to pay.  Payment of these fees can be made by cash, cheque (payable to GSDCV Inc) or EFTPOS/Credit Card.



For additional information, you may also contact:

Lin McPherson, Membership Officer: 0411 399 101

Paul Stynes, Branch Manager: 0439 505 202

or email the Branch anytime at or


Geelong Branch membership

• As a member of the GSDCV you will receive a membership card that allows you to attend the Geelong Branch training days as well as those of other branches.
• All members are required to wear their name tags when at training. This assists your instructors and is a Club insurance obligation. If you need a replacement, see our Membership Officer.
• As part of your membership you will regularly receive a Geelong Branch e-newsletter as well as the following magazines that contain information on Club activities, shows, trials and general interest articles as well as information regarding the health of your dog:
– The German Shepherd News (Victoria only)
– German Shepherd Dog – Quarterly National Review (Australia-wide)
• Members are invited to assist with Geelong Branch activities that may include:
– setting out and returning agility equipment
– assisting with canteen duties, eg barbecues
– helping clean up the equipment store or clubhouse as necessary
– attending Bunnings Sausage Sizzles (twice yearly)
– participating in community events as representatives of the Club, eg Million Paws Walk
• The Branch continues due to the efforts of volunteers and the more members that volunteer, the more this branch will prosper.
• Members are to be respectful to other members at all times and show due consideration.

Above all, enjoy the companionship of your dog and remember that for him or her, you and your family are the most important beings in their lives.


You can read our 2022 New Member Booklet Geelong Branch