What To Bring to Training?

• A big handful of food treats cut in small pieces that are quickly and easily swallowed by your dog (eg sausages, liver, cheese).
• A pouch that you can put the food in and easily reach the food.  You can purchase these from the Branch.
• Your dog’s favourite toy, preferably in a training bag, especially for those who are not food motivated.
• Equipment for use on dogs that is approved by the instructors and includes a lead, flat collars for puppies and flat collars or check chain for older dogs. Black Dog head halter are permitted.
• Vaccination certificates are to be brought to the first training session.
• All vaccination certificates must be sighted at least once a year. You will be advised when checks are to be made so you can bring your certificate along for our records to be updated.  Dogs will not be permitted to train if these certificates are not produced.
• Plastic bags to clean up after your dog. A bin is available to dispose of the bag.
Leads, collars and other quality essential pet products are available at reasonable prices from the equipment store at the clubhouse.
Please consult an instructor regarding the correct fitting of a check chain.


You can read the Member booklet-Oct 2019